Ethics and Compliance

Our commitment to corporate responsibility and integrity

We are the largest freight marketplace in Brazil, committed to safety and regulatory compliance, prioritizing ethics, transparency and integrity. At goFlux, compliance is central, reflecting our commitment to high standards of conduct and transparency, which are fundamental to our success and that of the country.

The 3 axes of our compliance program

Our ethics and compliance structure has three pillars: Prevention, Detection and Correction. We are constantly working to improve our programs and achieve our goals with integrity.

1. Prevention

To ensure compliance and minimize risks, we promote a culture of ethics and integrity, using "Standards of Corporate Conduct", "Policies", "Communications" and "Training". We also employ data analysis and third-party due diligence.

2. Detection

We identify potential integrity and security issues in a number of ways, including internal audits, compliance analysis and investigations conducted by our compliance and information security teams. Compliance is a collective responsibility at goFlux, where each member maintains standards, promotes a culture of compliance and reports concerns.

3. Remediation

We seek to identify the root causes of problems and constantly improve our procedures to reduce risks. Risk management is fundamental to our integrity program and culture of continuous improvement. We take action against any violation of policies and do not do business with partners who do not meet our ethical standards.


We have established anti-corruption policies that permeate all aspects of our operations. Our commitment to integrity is evident in our ongoing efforts to prevent, detect and correct improper practices, ensuring transparency and compliance in our business environment.


We have established anti-corruption policies that permeate all aspects of our operations. Our commitment to integrity is evident in our ongoing efforts to prevent, detect and correct improper practices, ensuring transparency and compliance in our business environment.


We are committed to aligning our principles and practices with ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria, promoting a positive and sustainable impact in all the areas in which we operate.

Corporate governance

goFlux has solid corporate governance, which serves as the basis for our operations. This guarantees transparency, accountability and fairness in our decisions, aligning stakeholder interests and managing risks and opportunities effectively, while maintaining our commitment to excellence and sustainability.

Corporate governance

goFlux has solid corporate governance, which serves as the basis for our operations. This guarantees transparency, accountability and fairness in our decisions, aligning stakeholder interests and managing risks and opportunities effectively, while maintaining our commitment to excellence and sustainability.

Our Code of Ethics and Conduct

Our mission is to build trust with our employees, stakeholders, suppliers, customers and business partners. The achievement of our goals depends on the trust placed in goFlux and our technology solutions for the logistics market.

Our code of conduct and ethics applies to everyone who has a relationship with goFlux. We have established guidelines in our policies and codes with guidelines such as: compliance with laws and regulations, anti-corruption, labor relations, employee conduct and ethics, donations, sponsorships and others.

Ombudsman Channel

Visit our Ombudsman Channel, your space to express opinions, suggestions and concerns. We're here to listen carefully and improve our products and services based on your feedback. Your communication is fundamental to the evolution of goFlux and our business.

Ethics Channel

Visit the goFlux Ethics Channel, a secure and confidential environment, to report ethical issues and concerns related to the work environment and relationships. We believe in the importance of integrity, trust and transparency, and your reporting is vital to maintaining our culture of ethics and compliance.

R. Verbo Divino, 1488 - Chac. Santo Antônio
São Paulo - SP, 04719-002

© 2023 goFlux

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