goFlux's Personal Data Privacy Policy has been created to demonstrate its commitment to the security and privacy of information collected from users, as well as establishing rules on the processing of your personal data within the scope of the services provided. The protection of your data is very important to goFlux, so we recommend that you read this document carefully. This privacy policy applies to all services offered by goFlux, including its website User information will not be provided, published or traded under any circumstances, except as provided for in this Privacy Policy. It is recommended that you check this policy regularly, as it is subject to change without prior notice. Changes, however, will be communicated to the general public in the same place as the previous policy. Some of the terms used in this policy may be difficult to understand, which is why a glossary has been drawn up to make them easier to read:

User: Natural person who is the owner of the personal data processed by goFlux

Personal data: Information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

• Sensitive personal data:
Personal data concerning racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, membership of a trade union or religious, philosophical or political organization, data concerning health or sex life, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person.

Data processing: Any operation carried out with personal data, such as those relating to the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, deletion, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction.

Controller: A natural or legal person, whether governed by public or private law, who is responsible for decisions relating to the processing of personal data.

Operator: Natural or legal person, governed by public or private law, who carries out the processing of personal data on behalf of the controller.

Consent: Free, informed and unequivocal expression by which the data subject agrees to the processing of their personal data for a specific purpose. It is not the only reason that authorizes the processing of data, but only one of the hypotheses.

Deletion: Deletion of data or a set of data stored in a database, regardless of the procedure used.

Data sharing: Communication, dissemination, international transfer, interconnection of personal data or shared processing of personal databases by public bodies and entities in compliance with their legal powers, or between these and private entities, reciprocally, with specific authorization, for one or more processing modalities permitted by these public entities, or between private entities.

Cookies: Small text files that are stored on the internet user's computer and can be retrieved by the website that sent them during browsing. They are mainly used to identify and store information about visitors. • Cryptography: Set of principles and techniques for encrypting writing, making it unintelligible to those who do not have access to the agreed conventions.


1.1 This policy is used by GOFLUX TECNOLOGIA DA INFORMACAO LTDA, a private legal entity duly registered with the CNPJ under No. 30.995.871/0001-53, with address at Rua dos Pinheiros, n. 498, conj. 42 Bairro Pinheiros, in the city of São Paulo, state of São Paulo, CEP No. 05.422-902, hereinafter referred to as goFlux.

1.2 goFlux collects and processes data from its customers, potential customers and any individuals who contact it, subject to the limits, purposes and intentions set out in this document.

1.3 Data may be actively captured and transmitted directly to goFlux employees, physically or digitally, which will be transmitted and preserved on partner platforms, as set out in the DATA SHARING chapter.

2.1. Data, including personal data, may be collected when you submit it or when you interact with goFlux services.

2.2 Data collection: For the proper provision of services and other purposes expressed throughout this Privacy Policy, personal data of users, their collaborators or legal representatives may be collected.

2.3 Personal data processed: The data that may be collected by goFlux will be that which is necessary for the proper provision of the services offered or contracted, including the following:

a) WORK WITH US: full name, LinkedIn profile, area of activity, e-mail, telephone. b) CONTACT US: full name, company, e-mail, telephone, you want to know about (products), I am (shipper and carrier). c) HEARING: full name, company, e-mail, telephone, reason. 2.4 Sensitive data provided by users: Sensitive data will not be collected, but may be transmitted, provided that it is at the user's own initiative, with prior, absolute and unequivocal consent. 2.5 Data from children and adolescents. The data of children and adolescents will not be processed, except with the prior, absolute and unequivocal consent of their legal guardians. 2.6 Specific data collection. Data is collected through the following channels: a) WORK WITH US. b) CONTACT US. c) HEARING.


3.1 For administrative purposes, goFlux may use "cookies", and the user can, at any time, activate mechanisms in their browser to inform them when they are activated or even deactivate them. 3.2 Cookies are differentiated as follows: a) Necessary Cookies: These are those that are important for the functioning of the platforms, without which the functionalities would be affected and it would be impossible to use them. These cookies can collect the following information: system preference settings, action history and IP number.

b) Third-party cookies: These are cookies used to improve the performance of the platforms and their marketing strategies, with the help of partner but independent companies such as Google Analytics and Google Ads. These cookies can collect the following information: time of visit, pages accessed, downloads made, forms filled in, and IP number.

c) Preference Cookies: These cookies are intended to remember the user's preferences for using the platform, even after closing their browser or restarting it, by collecting information such as: access password (if the user has opted for this function), words searched, pages visited and IP number.

3.3 Rejecting or deleting cookies: You can manage cookies through your browser, which may already have default authorizations.


4.1 Purpose of the data collected. We use the information collected about users to carry out our communications, notices and changes to rules and policies, as well as to provide the contracted goFlux service.

4.2 In order to clarify the use of the data, we try to outline the purpose for collecting this information as transparently as possible:

4.3 Change in the purpose of use of the data collected. In the event that we change the purposes set out in item 4.2 of this Privacy Policy, in disregard of the consent originally given, users will be informed, specifically highlighting the content of the changes, thus making it possible to revoke consent.

5. DATA SHARING 5.1 Data sharing. Except as provided in this Privacy Policy, we will not share your personal information with third parties without your specific consent. We may share non-personal information such as aggregated user statistics, demographic information and usage information with third parties such as Google Play and Apple Store.

5.2. Transferências Empresariais.
Podemos compartilhar suas informações pessoais com outras entidades e afiliadas controladas pela goFlux para fins comerciais e operacionais. À medida que continuamos a desenvolver nossos negócios, podemos vender ou comprar ativos. Se outra empresa comprar nossa empresa, negócio ou nossos ativos, ela também poderá adquirir as informações pessoais (e Informações de Uso) coletadas e armazenadas por nós, de forma que assumirá os direitos e obrigações referentes às suas informações pessoais, conforme descrito nesta Política de Privacidade. Além disso, se qualquer processo de falência ou recuperação for movido por ou contra nós, todas essas informações poderão ser consideradas um de nossos ativos e, como tal, poderão ser vendidas ou transferidas a terceiros.

5.3 Legal Disclosure. Except in cases where goFlux receives a legal or judicial order, your personal information will not be transferred to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was collected.


6.1 Confidentiality. goFlux follows strict security and confidentiality standards in order to protect our users' personal information. All personal information provided will be collected by ethical and legal means, so that users will be informed of the purpose of the information collection and, therefore, it will be up to them to choose whether or not to provide the information. goFlux will keep the personal information provided by users intact. 6.2 Legal provision. You are the holder of all the rights provided for in art. 18 of Law 13.709 of 2018. This means that, at any time, you may exercise any of the rights set out therein and as exemplified below in this term. These rights may be exercised before consumer protection bodies, as well as the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD).

6.3 Security measures. We employ technical and organizational measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access and from destruction, loss, misplacement or alteration. The measures we use take into account the nature of the data, the context and purpose of the processing, the risks that a possible breach would generate for the rights and freedoms of the user, and the standards currently employed in the market by companies similar to ours. Among the measures adopted by us, we highlight the following: a) Our users' data is stored in a secure environment; b) We limit access to our users' data so that unauthorized third parties cannot access it; c) We keep records of all those who come into contact with our data in any way; d) Data can only be accessed after authentication using a login and password.

6.4 Cancellation of registration. If you wish to cancel your registration, please contact us at Your request will be processed within 15 (fifteen) working days. You can also contact us via the same communication channel to make suggestions or ask questions. 6.5 Liability. Please be aware that although we strive to provide security for information in our possession and control, no security system can prevent against possible security breaches, and we are not responsible for the use or disclosure of personal or non-personal (anonymized) information arising in connection with its theft. Likewise, users are responsible for safeguarding the confidentiality of passwords, and we are not liable for access, use or disclosure of information if such access, use or disclosure arises in connection with the theft or disclosure (intentional or negligent) of a password. Despite our security measures, total confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.

6.6 In the event of any security incident that may cause significant risk or damage to any of our users, we will notify those affected and the National Data Protection Authority of the incident, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Act. 6.7 Access to information. Access to personal information collected is restricted to authorized employees or contractors who help us operate the Site or process orders and contracts placed through the Site. Employees and contractors who misuse this information in violation of this Privacy Policy will be subject to penalties under our company's disciplinary procedure, as well as penalties under civil and criminal law.

7.1 User consent. Users declare that they are aware and agree expressly, freely, informedly and unequivocally that goFlux, as a result of these Terms, may process their personal data, including sensitive personal data, within the limits explained in this document, solely and exclusively to fulfill the purpose for which they are intended, as well as in compliance with all applicable legislation on information security, privacy and data protection, including but not limited to Law no. 13. 709/2018 (General Data Protection Law), under penalty of the offending party being held liable for damages. 7.2 In addition to the information provided in this Privacy Policy, the user may also exercise the rights provided for in the General Data Protection Law, including:
(i) Confirmation of the existence of processing of personal data; (ii) Access to personal data; (iii) Revocation of consent; (iv) Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data; (v) Deletion of personal data processed with consent or that is unnecessary, excessive or when it believes that any point of the LGPD has not been complied with; (vi) Information on the hypotheses and with which companies, partners and other institutions we may share or receive personal data relating to you; (vii) Information on the possibility of not providing consent and the consequences of refusal, where applicable; (viii) All requests will be handled free of charge, and will be subject to a prior assessment of your identity and the feasibility of compliance, in order to comply with any obligations that prevent the complete fulfillment of requests from right holders.

7.3 Transfer of users' personal data. Some of your personal data may be transferred to other countries, for example, when we use cloud computing services for data processing or storage. It should be noted that all the requirements established in current legislation are observed, adopting the best market practices in order to guarantee the protection and privacy of your personal data.


8.1. Data retention period. goFlux has established retention periods for your data based on the purposes of the processing and taking into account the company's legal obligations. The period we retain your personal data until the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy have been achieved, i.e. for as long as legal and/or contractual relations are maintained between the parties. After the end of the contract, goFlux retains user data for a period of 5 (five) years. After this period, the data is deleted or anonymized. 8.2 If there is a legal or regulatory justification, the data may continue to be stored even if the purpose for which it was collected or processed has expired. 8.3 Once the processing has ended, subject to the provisions of this section, the data will be deleted or anonymized.


9.1 If, for any reason, a court of competent jurisdiction finds that any provision of this Privacy Policy (or any part thereof) is unenforceable, that provision (or any part thereof) shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to reflect the intent of the goFlux Terms, and the remaining provisions of these Terms shall remain in full force and effect. 9.2 Any tolerance of a breach of this agreement shall be considered a mere liberality and shall not be considered a novation, nor shall it become part of these Terms. 9.3 The Court of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, is hereby elected to settle any disputes arising from this instrument, renouncing any other, however privileged. Once the terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy have been set out, the user must agree to the provisions for effective use of the service offered, and use without express written agreement will be considered tacit agreement.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Policy, please contact goFlux at:

São Paulo/SP, 01 de Fevereiro de 2023.
CNPJ nº 30.995.871/0001-53

Política de Privacidade – Site goFlux – Rev.: 00 – Classificação da Informação: Público

R. Verbo Divino, 1488 - Chac. Santo Antônio
São Paulo - SP, 04719-002

© 2023 goFlux

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